
Releasing Carp Fish Back to Waters.. Problem?
My cousin and I were fishing yesterday and we were catching carp fish like no tomorrow. These guys are fighters and we had a lot of fun catching them all day long. We were telling a guy the story and he said it was illegal to release them back into the water.. We released all of them because we didn't wanna keep them. Is that true you have to kill them?
Randy7721 Posted:
It is illegal to release them back into the water but a lot of people do it. It's not like the DNR is going to serve you a citation for something such a nature.. Why they do this is actually a good thing to know though.
The carp species is actually invasive here in the United States and the fish eats the eggs of other fish because it is a bottom feeder and loves those eggs. So if you can imagine, carp kill thousands upon thousands of fish before they are even born. That's more powerful than some of the meanest predators out there.
So to try and stop the carp fish from being so powerful in the lakes and streams, they made laws statin that fishermen must kill all three fish that are caught. The more the government can kill, the better. After all, this species of carp isn't even from the u.s. but instead Asia. It was transported here and somehow got into the natural water systems.
So next time you catch a carp, you should actually wack it over the head and throw it on shore to let the other animals feed on it. Even with these sportsmen laws.. It's still doing little effect. To give you an idea how serious the issue is.. Our government has even made it legal to shoot these fish with shotguns out of boats as a sport to help bring down the numbers in lakes. So if you see videos of this.. That's what it is. Every hillbilly in the world is going to want a piece of that.. Shooting carp from a boat with a shotgun..
Marlen98003zzz Posted:
The shotgun thing looks amazingly fun because the silver carp jump out of the water and you get to shoot them out of the air like pigeons! I don't even know what states they are doing this out of but it seems crazy! I'm really wanting to try it the more videos I see. I did hear though that a woman got hit in the face with a carp and it broke her neck. Some of these silver carp get to be 100 pounds apparently..
Randy7721 Posted:
Yeah a really big silver carp can get a tiny bit over a hundo lbs. I think some of the records were in the 120s. Imagine taking a hundo pounds right to the face.. They won't be able to stop this fish from taking over the waters and its really annoying because then there will be a no wake rule because they jump 10 feet out of the water and possibly hurt people.