

No Fishing License Fine or Consequences?


So a bunch of my friends and a couple of buddies are going fishing and I don't have any money so I'm just not going to buy a fishing license. I'm a little worried about the fact of getting caught with no fishing license so I was wondering if anybody had any experience with getting caught and what the fine was? Please reassure me that it's not that big of a deal and if worse comes to worse I can just pay the ticket.


Actually it's a pretty serious thing and if you get caught with no fishing license and you're also keeping fish it's going to be even a bigger deal. But if you're just catching the fish and releasing them you're probably going to get a ticket under $200 so I would advise that you don't keep any fish and don't have any in your possession. If you're really worried about it I would tell your buddies to just release Their fish too because I think you get more trouble if you're with them and sort of party fishing if you know what I mean.

play it safe and not go fishing and just call lawn chair and drink a beer something while they go.

I agree with them with the fact that you should just call it quits on the idea. It's not worth the risk because the DNR can really screw your day off and you'll be in debt faster than you can say mommy. I've seen them take away one of my friends both because he kept too many fish and it just is a matter if you catch them at the wrong time and if they get the wrong five from you. My friend was kind of a meathead and he was talking back to them and being an asshole about it and they took away his boat so it's a pretty serious deal.

They took away her buddies boat and you just watched it happen that's crazy. I must say I never ever heard a story personally where someone says that they've taken away their boat and they just sat there and actually sought happened I always thought those were just kind of scared stories people tell you. Stories out there where they do it every once in a great while but they just said to scare people and they don't do it that much.
It's tough to say because I've seen stories where they take away peoples trucks and boats and nursing stories where they just let people go so it's kind of a tough call. I would say if you can't afford off fishing license that is around $30 then you probably shouldn't be fishing because that is the fact of the matter. If you can't afford the license that cost $30 then why would you be able to afford the ticket that is a couple hundred dollars straight out of your pocket. I would personally just

Yeah man I'm not kidding it actually took his 20 foot Lund boat I mean it was a bear back regular boat with no floor and such but it was still a couple thousand dollars worth. I couldn't believe it when I saw it and I will use to be the same way as you and whatever you heard was just a scary story that they put all during the media for people to be scared. I am totally believer now and I regulate by older rules because I saw a red-handed what the heck actually happens in this real world. They took his boat away and then flinch twice about doing it and now the DNR not local area uses his boat as one of their enterprises started saying on the team.