

Caring For Our Environment? Who Is Taking Charge

Over the last several years we have been told time and time again that we must learn to care for the environment. But who are these people telling us this? And how do they know what is right and what is wrong for the environment.
Having the role of predicting what the environment will be like in 50 years must be a tough one, as it is hard enough to predict what is going to happen in the next month, never mind years to come.

What Effects the Environment?

To be able to predict what the environment will be like in the future, it is essential to understand what effects it. Numerous different things can affect the environment, some being more natural causes that cannot be stopped, other causes being made by human beings every single day that can be stopped easily.

Natural Causes

Each day, all over the world there will be some kind of natural destructive event occurring that is harming the environment. However small the occurrence is, it is still having a detrimental effect – harming and destroying the world. Some natural events include earthquakes, volcanoes and fires.
Such events are unavoidable, meaning we can only protect the environment as much that is possible. The pollution that is given off from earthquakes, fires and volcanoes can be very harmful to the environment, contaminating rivers, seas and natural landscape.
Certain defences have been put in place to try and lower the harmful effects. Certain rivers can be sped up, whereas others have defence blockers to prevent contamination.

Avoidable Harm

Harm that is avoidable is often created by humans. Many people are selfish when it comes to protecting the environment, having little thought for how their actions are having a negative impact on the world. Some other people may be unaware of how their actions are seen as dangerous and harmful. Some harmful actions include:
  • Regular driving – the exhaust gives off bad emission into the atmosphere.
  • Not lowering your energy consumption.
  • Fires started purposely.
Who Is In Charge of Warning Us?
So by now, we know it is all good and well to take care of the environment for the future, but who exactly is telling us this? It is the role of environmental consultants to warn us of such behaviour.
Environmental consultants work alongside the government to monitor pollution levels. The consultants will advise the government of any high risk areas and what needs to be changed. From the current warnings given, a lot has been changed to create a cleaner and greener world.

Electric hybrid cars are currently being sold, lowering the amount of fuel guzzling vehicles on the road. There are currently many more ‘go green’ campaigns running all over the world, encouraging more people to lower their energy consumption. The home and the workplace are the places that consume the most energy, so it essential people begin focusing in these places first. Reducing the amount of lighting you use in the workplace or home is essential. It is also advised that you should recycle rather than throw your rubbish into the bin.

Taylor Hopkinson has many openings for renewable energy jobs, including environmental consultants. You can find out more by looking here,

Work alongside the environmental consultants to make the world a greener place.