#There's a really good learning guide out there and it's actually a book it's called learning how to fly fish for dummies. It's part of the section of the dummies and how to do things so it's going to be very helpful for you. I actually taught myself how to fly fish a couple years ago because I was going on a company retreat and we were going fly fishing and I know idea how to do it.
#What I actually did was I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube on how to do it for free. You would be amazed how fast a person can learn something when you're watching a video because it's just a better demonstration media platform. Long story short I learned how to fly fish and I'm actually pretty good at it now and I bring my son out and I teach him from what I learned on the videos. I don't go around telling all my buddies that I learned it online because that would be kind of silly but it's actually completely true.
#Just go around at your work or something and ask some people if they know how to fly fish because chances are someone knows and it's really easy to just teach you. Set of actually paying someone to train you that's going to cost a couple hundred dollars I would just have when your friends at work teaching because it's not actually not hard. I'm sure you'll figure it out though because it doesn't take that much and if you know how to move fish regular it even makes it easier.
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